Curses! Our last themed party in Denver!
Saturday was the Super Leaving Party for myself and Jen before we head to the Philippines (we actually fly out on July 3). Of course, like any Ringo party, it involved costumes, name tags, and belligerence.
My favorite act of belligerence actually occurred a day before the party. Greg came over to help move a couch down outside to donate to the thrift store. It went like this.
Ringo: OK. Now lets carry it down the stairs.
Greg: Why don't we throw it off the balcony?
Ringo: Because I want to donate it.
Greg: The real Ringo would throw it off the balcony.
Ringo: .....
Greg: In fact, I'm ashamed you're not telling me to throw it off the balcony.
We threw it off the balcony. Actually, we flipped it into a tree, it flipped back towards us, ripped down three limbs, and landed (quite agile really) like a cat, on its feet. Unharmed. Unbelievably, the thrift store wouldn't take it. To quote Greg, “Those bastards wouldn't know a good tree couch if it hit them in the face.”
So on to the party. No worries, i have about 21,000 words worth of pictures to back up these tall tales.
Super Pictures!
I went as Peer Pressure. This consisted of a cape, mask, tights, name tag (of course) and the act of constantly pushing people into taking up vices. If folks participated in a vice, they received a sticker entitled “cool.” If not, they received “Not cool.” Harsh? Yes. But so is life.
Jen and Allison went as the White Out Twins, consisting of wings, high heels, wigs, sparkles, etc. If their superhero power was supposed to be “looking hot,” they really hit the nail on the head.
My roommate Zola* went as Pornita Aguilera. Her superpower was shock and horror (and looking hot) as people realized what accessories she was carrying around. Too bad she never made a Dungeon of Sin party.
My other roommate Andrew went as Flash Gordon. He saved every one of us. He gets special props because he looks like Flash Gordon. And Ricky Schroeder.
Jill and Chad went as Super Mexican Villains. They were wrongly pulled over by Denver PD on the way home and searched for weed.
Greg showed up as Iron Chef. Apparently his superpower was spanking people on the ass with a spatula. Because he did this a lot.
The DJ (yes there was a DJ) and 3 chicks i don't know showed up as a French wall. Their superpower was to not let people through the door. Strange, but awesome nonetheless.
Only a precursor to the awesomeness of Halloween in Manila. Wooooooooooo.
* I recently learned Zola spent years as a club dancer in Dallas.
One more month until Ringo's Great Exodus...tick, tick, tick. Good party pix - bonus points are awarded for tossing the couch over the balcony. However, you miss out on additional style and flare points by not setting it on fire first.
You've out done yourself my friend. Why are your awesome party/costume ideas going to Manila? They won't appreciate you the way we appreciate you. No, no I say! They will make you do the worm while wearing a cape, then they'll ALL start doing the worm and wearing a cape. Wait, that might be kind of awesome if everyone you encountered started doing that. Nevermind all of this.
Dammit you throw one helluva party. I needed to make it out to Denver more often but I think that would have destroyed us both. Alright.. we'll see you back in KC before you leave.
Cheers - 2 Manila and Beyond!!!
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