My new year's resolution is more posts for 2006. I know this seems as likely as Gants running for office on the Republican ticket, but i'm saying there's a chance.
New Year's was awesome. Here's how it broke down.
My Disney chum Nick and our Canuk friend Dave rolled into Denver. A sizable group decided (over several PBR's) that to hell with amatuer night New Year's at the bars. We would bring the people to us. The people also decided that we needed to rent a karaoke machine.* We celebrated how smart we were by continuuing to booze in the hottub afterwards. (yes, i own a working hottub, i have huge balls).
I slept 3 hours, then went snowboarding, because the powder told me to. it was glorious. I also had more PBR. Meanwhile, Jen, the party MVP, picked up said karaoke machine. She also bought me a He-Man vs. Skeletor t-shirt, which is the greatest shirt on earth.
We planned on about 15 people. Estimates put the actual number closer to 30. My buddy Kevin even showed up from Columbia (hell of a commute). I started the karaoke ball rolling with a terrible rendition of Livin La Vida Loca. I mean it was really bad.
the ladies continued with excellent disco hits. Kevin then actually sang something that sounded good, which is why we hate him. Then we got into the reindeer juice and things got really interesting.
Midnight came and Andre 3000 champagne was consumed followed by lots of making out in public. My favorite part was when people started sledding down the stairs on their bellies. No worries because they did so whilst wearing my snowboard helmet and goggles. special props to P-flow for doing this with an open container. the Powder nymphs told me and kevin to ride a therma-rest pad down the stairs, double, ala Home Alone. This might have worked if my stairs didn't have a 90 degree turn. Last time i listen to those damn Powder nymphs.
Of course the evening then ended in the hottub. A fitting new-years, several bruises, and a reduced chance of me actually getting my deposit back on my house.
* this evening did involve public nudity, which i personally have no record of, but Nick may
from the Venga boys song "we like to party" (the six flags theme).....
"The venga bus is coming, and everybody's jumping"
"The finger bang is coming, and everybody's jumping."
I think i remember some confusion on those lyrics.
ringo (who comments on his own blog)
Haha, nice pics. There is no chance in hell of me ever running for any kind of public office. BUT, I do hope you will post more often.
ps, I like OJ's version of those lyrics. The finger-bang is coming indeed - you had all better watch out!!
Ringing in the new year with Hot tubb'n and Andre 3000. Sounds soo money I wish I was doin it. Just think if all of the All Stars were together what would happen!
Here's to more Korean War Specials!!
to TFG:
the FBI will not allow all All-Stars to be assembled again for two reasons....
1. It would be dangerous to our country.
and yet......
2. An assassination attempt could destroy all All-STars at once.
they fear us, yet they need us.
Looks like you had quite the New Years. I wish mine had included sliding down stairs on my belly and a hot tub. Lucky! Mine just involved a waitress(who I believe was on meth)who balanced a tray of our drinks on her head and danced around...while we waited for our drinks. Apparently she'll be on Letterman in 4 months.
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